Friday, July 13, 2012

A Photography Book About Vinyl Collectors - Dust & Grooves.

Dust & Grooves is a photo and interview project documenting and exalting vinyl records, the people who love them, and the musical heritage they carry.

With a website launched in October 2008 by Brooklyn-based professional photographer and vinyl addict Eilon Paz, D&G profiles individual collectors from all over the world in their natural environment – usually at home with their personal collections. Each subject is interviewed in depth about their devotion to vinyl, then each conversation is paired with a beautiful series of portrait photographs by Eilon that capture the heart and soul of this passionate avocation. Together, words and images tell the story of the love affair between collector and collection, and preserve a record of music that otherwise might be lost.

Dust and Grooves is such a fantastic website. It would be great to see this project get the money it deserves to go to print. Pledge anything over a buck and show your support over HERE

Dust and Grooves - The 1st Photography book about Vinyl collectors from Shelly Carmel on Vimeo.

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