Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Super Man Lover Says "Its On!"

Were giving away more free shit this friday night on Phat Tape radio, 4zzz 102.FM
All you have to do is tune in or stream it HERE from 8-10pm. listen out and be the first to call in and answer the pretty damn nuff-nuff question "What is one of the labels or artists Run Royal stocks?"
Dont miss out.


  1. where you find these golden fliks? ha

  2. You aint looking hard enough yo. My good friend Google brings up all sorts of characters you aint seen. A simple political incorrect search for "retards" will bring up a cluster of adorable cunts.

  3. try

  4. I'm at work so I think I'll check it at home but going by that url title, shit sounds like gold. Good scoutin' Lops!
